Introduction to Cybersecurity. Foundational Knowledge of Cybersecurity Taxonomy. Cybersecurity Body of Knowledge. Importance of Cybersecurity. Common Cyber Threats and Types of Cyber Attacks. Understand Hackers Mindset. Cybersecurit Best Practices: CIA, Risk Management, Security Policies & Procedures, Security Awareness Programmes, Incident Response. Cryptography-encryption and decryption and identity and access management. Secure Communication Protocols. Network Security Fundamentals and Endpoint Security. Advanced topics: Cloud, Mobile, IoT security, Application Security, AI and IAM. Security Complienace Standards. Conclusion and next

Foundations of networking and systems security. Understanding the basics of networking: Types, Topologies, Protocols. Introduction to Systems Security: Common Security Threats, Security Vulnerabilities. Principles of Secure Systems Design: Authentication and Access Control, Firewalls and Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems (IDS & IPS). Secure Communication Protocols. Secure Web Applications and Emails Security. Network Security Best Practices. Emerging Trends in Networking and Systems Security. Conclusiion and next

Overview of Cryptography, including different topics such as: - History of Cryptography - Types of Cryptography Symmetric Encryption, including: - Overview of the Symmetric encryption - Main requirements - Cryptanalysis and Brute-force Attack - Discussion of symmetric techniques: - Substitution technique - Monoalphabetic technique - Transposition ciphers - and DES Algorithm Asymmetric Encryption, including: - Overview of the Asymmetric encryption - Advantages of Asymmetric Encryption - Public-Key Cryptography - Public-Key Applications - Security of Public Key Schemes - Applications such as RSS Algorithm – Asymmetric Cipher Digital Signature, including: - Digital Signature Model - Digital Signature - Digital Signature Properties

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Overview on social engineering techniques - Phishing, waterholing, tailgating, CEO Fraud, etc. Application examples of these techniques Outlook on follow-up tactics and possible attacks