Introduction to Cybersecurity. Foundational Knowledge of Cybersecurity Taxonomy. Cybersecurity Body of Knowledge. Importance of Cybersecurity. Common Cyber Threats and Types of Cyber Attacks. Understand Hackers Mindset. Cybersecurit Best Practices: CIA, Risk Management, Security Policies & Procedures, Security Awareness Programmes, Incident Response. Cryptography-encryption and decryption and identity and access management. Secure Communication Protocols. Network Security Fundamentals and Endpoint Security. Advanced topics: Cloud, Mobile, IoT security, Application Security, AI and IAM. Security Complienace Standards. Conclusion and next
- Trainer/in: Dimitrios Kallergis
- Trainer/in: Dimitris Koutras
Foundations of networking and systems security. Understanding the basics of networking: Types, Topologies, Protocols. Introduction to Systems Security: Common Security Threats, Security Vulnerabilities. Principles of Secure Systems Design: Authentication and Access Control, Firewalls and Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems (IDS & IPS). Secure Communication Protocols. Secure Web Applications and Emails Security. Network Security Best Practices. Emerging Trends in Networking and Systems Security. Conclusiion and next
- Trainer/in: Pasi Kämppi
- Trainer/in: Paresh Rathod
Overview of Cryptography, including different topics such as: - History of Cryptography - Types of Cryptography Symmetric Encryption, including: - Overview of the Symmetric encryption - Main requirements - Cryptanalysis and Brute-force Attack - Discussion of symmetric techniques: - Substitution technique - Monoalphabetic technique - Transposition ciphers - and DES Algorithm Asymmetric Encryption, including: - Overview of the Asymmetric encryption - Advantages of Asymmetric Encryption - Public-Key Cryptography - Public-Key Applications - Security of Public Key Schemes - Applications such as RSS Algorithm – Asymmetric Cipher Digital Signature, including: - Digital Signature Model - Digital Signature - Digital Signature Properties
- Trainer/in: Abdelkader Shaaban
- Trainer/in: Pinelopi Kyranoudi
Binaries Security
- Trainer/in: Dimitris Koutras
Overview on social engineering techniques - Phishing, waterholing, tailgating, CEO Fraud, etc. Application examples of these techniques Outlook on follow-up tactics and possible attacks
- Trainer/in: Stefan Schauer